Personal, Social and Health Economic (PSHE) Education

PSHE at Great Moor is led by Miss Moulsherpshe7.png

Children are taught personal skills such as those listed below:

  • To become more independent.
  • Establish and maintain relationships.
  • Communicate effectively.
  • Recognise their achievements and mistakes and how to handle them.
  • Share their views and discuss what’s fair and unfair, what’s right and what’s wrong, whilst challenging others' views respectfully.
  • Set themselves goals and how to achieve them.
  • Keep themselves safe and healthy as they grow.
  • Play an active role as a citizen.
  • Respond to challenge.

Children also learn the following:

  • How the choices they make can affect other people and the environment.
  • About diversity, inclusion and acceptance. 
  • Healthy and unhealthy relationships.
  • About how and why rules are made.
  • How to cope with mental and emotional well-being.
  • Online safety.
  • Puberty / growing and changing.
  • Financial aspects: how to keep money safe, how to earn money, what money is used for.
  • Safety (fire, road, railway, water). 
  • Health and hygiene (including the importance and benefits of sleep).
  • The media and how it reflects reality.
  • British values, the law and equality.
  • Rights and responsibilities. 
  • Transitions to new classes and schools.

Pupils have opportunities to develop these skills through timetabled PSHE lessons, through school assemblies and everyday life. Relationships and Sex education (RSE) and drugs education are also covered in our PSHE programme, closely linked with the PSHE Association programme of study.

For the parent's guide on understanding RSE, please visit


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Online Safety

Below are links to useful websites for keeping children safe on the internet: