Year 6 2024 - 2025

Mr Turner

Miss Gregory

Miss Moulsher

About Year 6

In Year 6, Mr Turner, Miss Gregory and Miss Moulsher enjoy the support of Mrs Burns, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Meecham and Miss McCann. 

Year 6 is full of excitement! We enjoy studying a range of topics to build a variety of skills. We get to experience lots of opportunities outside of school, including a thrilling residential adventure to PGL, fieldwork activities in Macclesfield Forest and being an evacuee in Stockport Air Raid Shelters. We finish the year showcasing our drama and singing skills in the end of year production.


Click on the links below to see your class timetable. You’ll need to check when your Games and PE lessons etc. are scheduled so you can bring the right equipment and kit on the right day.



Date Given

Date Due

English/Reading Monday Wednesday
Maths Wednesday Friday
Module Friday Monday


In addition to the set homework, pupils should also be reading every evening, practising spellings on Spelling Shed and regularly practising times tables (using TT Rockstars). 


Year 6 Always Objectives

We have a set of objectives that we expect children to follow throughout the year. To view, please click on the link below.


Meet your teachers



Miss Gregory

Welcome to 6G, I am Miss Gregory. I am delighted to be the Year 6 team leader. I will be working alongside Mr Turner and Miss Moulsher again this year and supported within the classroom by Miss McCann.

I am most looking forward to helping your child grow in confidence both academically and emotionally, developing their self-belief across all subjects.

I am currently RE and English subject leader. If you have any recommendations for books, trips, artefacts or visitors in school to develop children’s understanding of the wider world, then please do not hesitate to contact me!

When I am not in school, I enjoy supporting Stockport County up and down the country.

I hope this year is both fun and engaging for all members of 6G and I am happy to be contacted by parent/carers if you have any queries.


Mr Turner


Hello, my name is Mr Turner.  I am lucky to be supported in class by Mrs Meecham. It's a privilege to be here, working alongside the children as they go through their last year at Great Moor Junior School, before continuing their educational journey at high school, and beyond.

I thoroughly enjoy my role as Maths lead and developing the teaching of children's mathematical development.

If you have any particular queries or questions, please feel free to contact me - either by email, or by contacting the office for a phone call or face to face meeting.


Miss Moulsher

Hi I’m Miss Moulsher and I’ve loved teaching at Great Moor for five years now! 

I love my job as a teacher and have been teaching for over 9 years! My favourite subjects to teach are Maths, History and Science and I always love doing anything outdoors or something active.

Please come and talk to me if there’s ever anything you need! 

Files to Download

Year 6: News items

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Year 6: Blog items

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Year 6: Gallery items

Year 6 Electricity, by Miss Moulsher

6M Hats, by Miss Moulsher

6T Hats, by Mr Turner

Year 6: Calendar items

There are no Calendar items to display

Online Safety

Below are links to useful websites for keeping children safe on the internet: