Year 6: Gallery

6M Hats, by Miss Moulsher

6T Hats, by Mr Turner

Year 6 Careers Fair, by Miss Moulsher

6M Art, by Miss Moulsher

Year 6 - Wellspring, by Miss Gregory

6M Science - Blood, by Miss Moulsher

Y6 Macclesfield Forest, by Miss Gregory

PGL, by Miss Gregory

6M Road Safety, by Miss Moulsher

Summer Fair 2024, by Mrs Ijima

6M Air Raid Shelter Visit, by Miss Moulsher

Creative Writing Challenge, by Miss Gregory

Year 6 Fieldwork Festival, by Miss Moulsher

6M WW2 Sources, by Miss Moulsher

6M Science - Adaptation, by Miss Moulsher

6M World Book Day, by Miss Moulsher

6M Shape work, by Miss Moulsher

Young Voices 2024, by Miss Doogan

Y6 Rockbands!, by Miss Doogan

Online Safety

Below are links to useful websites for keeping children safe on the internet: