Term Dates


TERM DATES 2024/25


Tuesday 3rd September to Friday 18th October

Tuesday 29th October to Thursday 19th December



 Monday 6th January to Friday 14th February

 Monday 24th February to  Friday 11th April



 Monday 28th April to Friday 23rd May

Tuesday 10th June to Friday 25th July


Inset Days                                                Bank Holidays

Monday 2nd September 2024                      Monday 5th May 2025

Monday 28th October 2024                         

Thursday 2nd January 2025

Friday 3rd January 2025                           

Monday 9th June 2025                                                                



TERM DATES 2025-26

Autumn Term

Tuesday 2nd September to Thursday 23rd October

Monday 3rd November to Friday 19th December


Spring Term

Tuesday 6th January to Friday 13th February

Monday 23rd February to Friday 27th March


Summer Term

Monday 13th April to Friday 22nd May

Tuesday 9th June to Friday 24th July

Monday 4th May - Bank Holiday



Monday 1st September

Friday 24th October 

Monday 5th January

Monday 8th June

Monday 27th July 



The Importance of Attendance During Term Time

Great Moor Junior School requests that parents avoid asking for days off school for their child as refusal often offends.

At Great Moor Junior School we are committed to promoting the welfare of our children through regular school attendance. We know that every day lost to education can have an impact on a child's attainment and progress in school. The link between good attendance and high levels of achievement is undeniable. Poor attendance and lateness may also be detrimental to the social adjustment and development of pupils.. We are therefore fully committed to promoting school attendance by providing an environment and ethos where all pupils feel safe and can build positive relationships with their peers. We expect that in return parents/carers ensure that children attend school and are punctual. Underpinning this policy is the belief that promoting good attendance is the responsibility of staff, parents and carers. We expect children to attend school every day and arrive on time.

Medical and Dental appointments

Parents and carers are requested wherever possible to try to arrange medical and dental appointments for outside of school hours, If on the rare occasion a medical appointment during school time is unavoidable, then we would ask that your child attends school beforehand and/or returns to school immediately that same day following their appointment. If a child is absent from school first thing in the morning or immediately after lunch then they cannot receive an attendance present mark for that session.

Leave of absence

Leave of absence may only be given in exceptional circumstances such as family bereavement, or for other legitimate reasons such as an interview at another school. The absence should be restricted to the minimum time required and parents are asked to request permission in advance by filling in the leave of absence form below.

Family Holidays

Parents should be aware that there is no right to time off for a family holiday.  Leave of absence for any reason is only granted in exceptional circumstances and is very unlikely to be granted for the purpose of a holiday. 



Other pages

Online Safety

Below are links to useful websites for keeping children safe on the internet: