Governing Body
The school Governing Body has three key roles:
- To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school.
- To hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, including their wellbeing and safety.
- To oversee the financial performance of the school and to ensure that money is well spent.
The Governors hold two full Governing Body meetings each term. Parents are welcome to attend any meetings as observers.
The Governing Body is made up of: two elected Parent Governors, one elected Staff Governor, one LA appointed Governor, the Headteacher and four Community Governors co-opted by the Governing Body. The Governing Body are committed to maintaining high standards in the school.
The School Governing Body (2024-25)
The Chair of Governors is David Kemp (Oct 2019 - Sept 2027)
The Vice Chair is Mark Slater (Sept 2010 - Aug 2026)
Headteacher – Kate Bushaway
Staff Governor - Joe Garnett (Sept 2024 - Aug 2028)
Parent Governors - Jenny Aaron (Oct 2023 - Sept 2027), David Kemp (Oct 2019 - Sept 2027)
Co-opted Community Governors are Mark Slater, Dave Walsh (Sept 2010 - Aug 2026), Declan Burke (Oct 2013 - Aug 2025), Emma Barlow (Sept 2017 - Sept 2025)
LA Appointed Governor - Lesley Geill (Jan 2019- Jan 2027)
Katie Higson (Deputy Headteacher) is an associate Governor. She does not have any voting rights. All other Governors have full voting rights.
Pay Committee members are David Kemp, Mark Slater and Dave Walsh.
Safeguarding Governor - Mark Slater
SEND/Pupil Premium Governor - Emma Barlow
Attendance Governor - Declan Burke
Health and Safety Governor - David Kemp
Governors do not have governance roles in other schools.
Published copies of any full Governing Body minutes are available in school.
Business/Financial Interests
One Governor has declared a possible business interest.
Financial Benchmarking
Please follow this link to compare our school's financial spending with other similar schools.
If you wish to comtact one of our Governors please do so through the school office.