Pastoral Manager


My name is Mrs Murphy and I am the Pastoral Manager here at Great Moor Junior School. Below is some information about my role.

What is a Pastoral Manager?

My job is to work with children, teaching staff, parents, carers and external agencies when an issue inside/outside of school impacts negatively upon a child’s learning and general wellbeing.

My role is a supportive role and may involve me working directly with your child or alongside an external agency with your child or signposting you to the appropriate support. The list of agencies I liaise with is wide ranging and includes: School Nurse, Family Help Co-ordinator, Inclusion Team, Education Welfare, Children Social Care. I work closely and liaise daily with our SENCO and SLT.

Most importantly, my priority is to support and promote the safety and wellbeing of every child here at Great Moor Junior School.

I can help offer/provide support with the following;

  • Attendance and punctuality to school
  • Behaviour during the school day
  • General wellbeing from a SEMH (Social, Emotional Mental Health) perspective
  • Physical health concerns/injuries adversely impacting upon your child in school/their attendance
  • Transition from the Infant School/to the next class/High School
  • Parenting concerns around behaviour, routine and structure at home
  • Factors impacting upon the family and potentially child, for e.g. parental mental health, financial, housing, parental separation
  • Pupil check-ins and 1:1, small group pastoral interventions

I am based here in school and work every school day between 8:30am-4:30pm. Most mornings I will be available to speak to around the Y3-Y5 entrances to school between 08:40-8:50am and then available in the front entrance of school up to approx. 9am. Feel welcome to see me directly/phone me via the school contact number or contact me to arrange a time convenient for us both.

Below are a range of links and resources that you may find useful.

Stockport specific:

anxiety Parent Leaflet Stockport.pdf

Start Well Parent Information.pdf

Support for Parents/Carers | Stockport Information and Childcare Directory (

Parenting Team - Stockport NHS Foundation Trust




BBC - Five ways to help with children's Well - Being


Kooth is support for age 11-25 it is an online space with non-judgemental anonymous help from an online community, as well as direct messaging with qualified professionals.

Kooth for Children & Young People - Kooth plc

For more tips and information about looking after your child’s mental health go to


Parents Helpline | Mental Health Help for Your Child | YoungMinds

Support for parents | NSPCC

Mental Health Helpline for Urgent Help - NHS (

Helpline | Gingerbread (Single parents Equal Families)


As a parent or carer, looking after your own wellbeing is also important and Every Mind Matters enables you to get tailored wellbeing support. Use the Mind Plan to see what works for you: Mind Plan


Online Safety

Below are links to useful websites for keeping children safe on the internet: