Physical Education
PE at Great Moor is led by Mr Gill.
PE lessons are held three times a week and are organised into half-termly blocks. Children learn the skills of both cooperation and competition.
Each year PE lessons include:
- Outdoor games – developing a range of different skills and an understanding of rules and tactics. Games covered include football, netball, basketball, hockey, tennis, rugby and cricket.
- Educational gymnastics – making up and performing sequences of movements and balances both on the floor and using apparatus.
- Dance – creating and performing dances from different cultures to express ideas and feeling through movement.
- Athletics – developing skills of running, jumping and throwing.
- Swimming – developing swimming skills and confidence in water - all year groups take part in swimming lessons.
Mr Gill, supported by Mr Cannon and Miss Almond, teaches Games lessons and class teachers teach indoor PE (Gym and Dance). Teachers use the resources from GetSet4Pe to plan and deliver Gym and Dance lessons.
For netball, hockey and tag rugby we have our class play-offs which is a knockout competition where classes compete against each other. There are individual play-offs for tennis.
We organise a World Cup where every child takes part and is put into a team
We have a wide range of after-school sports clubs. Please look on Parent Pay or speak to the school office for details.
Each year we have our Sports Days which give the children the chance to put into practice what they have been learning in their Athletics lessons. Parents are invited to come and watch their children.
We have a mini-marathon that children enjoy to take part in.
There is a cross-country team that represent our school against other schools in Stockport.