Our Gallery
WW2 Sources, by Miss Gregory
Year 3 Sports Day, by Mr Garnett
4B and 6T buddying up, by Mr Breckwoldt
Class Photographs 2024, by Miss Seeds
3-D shapes in 3G, by Miss Doogan
3A making 3D shapes, by Miss Appleby
6G and 4C Buddying, by Miss Gregory
3G Ancient Egyptian Clay Tiles, by Mr Garnett
5M Cross Curricular Art Day Thursday 16th May, by Mrs Pollock
Year 4 Sports Day, by Miss MacIntyre
3G and 5I Buddying, by Mr Garnett
3B and 5OL, by Mr Brading
Year 6 Sports Day, by Miss Gregory
6G Battle of the Beak, by Miss Gregory
Year 3 Ancient Egypt Day, by Mr Brading
Year 4 Kingswood, by Miss Doogan
3A trip to Manchester Museum, by Miss Appleby
3B Trip to Manchester Museum, by Mr Brading
5M Samba Drumming, by Miss Doogan
3G Manchester Museum, by Mr Garnett
Accelerated Reading, by Miss Gregory
4B Crowden Brook, by Mr Breckwoldt
6M Science - Adaptation, by Miss Moulsher
Accelerated Reading, by Mrs Pollock
Accelerated Reading, by Mr Turner