3B Home Learning Summer 1 Week 2
Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 9:34am
Hi 3B,
Great to see so many of you sending in work. We are doing a lot of the Ancient Egyptians so I thought I would show some of my pictures. Here is a first from the British Museum in London. It is my favourite museum in London. Can you guess what it is? See if you can find out and comment at the end.
Here is second picture. Can you guess what they are? (Hint: beetles)
Here are some examples of Egyptian pots made by those in our class.
For those who like David Walliams or musicals the Chichester Festival theatre is streaming The Midnight Gang musical, free for 30 days starting today at 1pm. The link is below.
If you didn't get a chance to do Dance Party the link is https://code.org/dance .
Yesterday's Maths was hard and it is fine to take a peak at the answers if you are really stuck. Remember it is not getting the right answers but understanding how to get the right answers that we want to see.
If you get to look at it again you will see Dexter's approach is easier so long as you remember that when the numerators are the same then the bigger the denominator the smaller the fraction e.g 4/7 is bigger than 4/15 (and multiply your numerator by the same number you multiply the denominator by. So 1/7 (x 4) becomes 4/28; 2/21 (x 2) becomes 4/2; 2/7 (x2) becomes 4/14 . In each case the numerator is the same.
Remember we will go over anything you got stuck on when we return.
For Maths keep practising tables and playing games such as Times Table RockStars and Hit The Button.
Mr Breckwoldt